With 10 of the best Mac apps for 90% off you can't go wrong! Early buyers get 2 bonus apps, free!
MacUpdate price: $49
- Interarchy — Advanced file transfer app supporting iFTP, FTP, SFTP, Webdav, S3 & more
- Default Folder X — Enhances Open and Save dialog boxes
- DEVONthink Personal — Knowledge base and information manager
- MacFamilyTree — Genealogy application
- Jedi Knight II — Now universal binary
- Typinator — Types repeating texts and pictures for you
- Swift Publisher — Print shop layout creation tool with 1100 image goodies
- 1Password — Powerful password manager; integrates with Web browsers and more
- Art Text — Create high quality headings, logos, icons, banners and buttons
- Flux — Advanced XHTML and CSS web design software
- Mail Stationery — Enhance letters with 200 creative designs
- Chronories — Personal daily diary application